
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Addiction In Video Games Introduction

For my brief for this unit we are required to show the potential games have to be a persuasive medium,beyond entertainment and focusing on the audience and if 'Digital Games can change the world' , focusing on educational,commercial and political games and their potential for wide scale influence in society.We are required to analyse the various strategies that games employ to persuade the player, to gain and retain an audience also how the ethics of game design, and ask whether if games have the power to persuade and what ethical implications there are for a games designer.

For my essay I will be focussing mainly on MMO's and how the underlying game design and elements, require a person to continue playing and also how a person can become addicted by the use of this elements.I will also take a look at how games have effected peoples real lives by spending so much time within a game fixing 'virtual problems' rather than fixing problems in the real world.

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